How are your preparations for GDPR compliance going ? Hopefully you are well under way…
No more .eu domains after Brexit
If you read my earlier articles on this topic ( Does your website use a .eu domain ? and Maybe you can keep your .eu domain names after Brexit ) you will remember that there was some uncertainty as to whether you would be able to keep your .eu domain names after Brexit.
Well, now that we have finally left the EU, the EURid, the registrar for .eu domains, has announced that it is enforcing measures that came into effect on the 1st January 2021 stating that .eu domains must be owned by citizens or organizations located in the European Union. This has resulted in more than 80,000 .eu domains owned by UK citizens now being suspended.
From the 1st January 2021, the new regulations state that only the following are eligible to hold .eu domain names:
• An EU citizen, independent of their place of residence
• A natural person who is not an EU citizen but who is a resident of an EU Member State
• An undertaking that is established in the EU
• An organisation that is established in the EU, without prejudice to the application of national law
After the 1st April 2021, UK registrants who cannot prove eligibility will have their .eu domain moved to “withdrawn” status. A withdrawn domain cannot support any service and that also means you will not be able to redirect .eu domains to alternatives.
A large number of businesses have already changed their domains since the time the problem was first announced but if you are one of those who hasn’t, you need to get a move on now and get a new domain before your website and email stop working.